Thursday, September 25, 2008

eBook Discounts for September 26, 2008

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The election and the economy are on everyone's minds these days. And so it is even more important than ever to escape into another world or another period in time.

Take a break and enjoy these great titles. Use discount code C3KL9 at check out to get this week's discounts!
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Generation Kill eBook edition
by Wright, Evan
In the tradition of Black Hawk Down and Jarhead comes a searing portrait of young men fighting a modern-day war. A powerhouse work of nonfiction, Generation Kill expands on Evan Wright's acclaimed three-part series that appeared in Rolling Stone during the summer of 2003
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List Price : $14.00
Your price $11.97 (Using your 10% discount and $ .63 points in eBook Reward points)
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Anathem eBook Edition
by Stephenson, Neal
Anathem, the latest invention by the New York Times bestselling author of Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle, is a magnificent creation: a work of great scope, intelligence, and imagination that ushers readers into a recognizable—yet strangely inverted—world.
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List Price : $19.95
Your price $13.82 (Using your 10% discount and $ .73 iin eBook Reward points)
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Bad Money eBook edition
by: Phillips, Kevin
Kevin Phillips describes the consequences of our catastrophic economic policies, our mounting debt, our collapsing housing market, our diminishing oil, and the end of American domination of world markets. Kevin Phillips has been a political and economic commentator for more than three decades
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List Price : $25.95
Your price $22.19 (Using your 10% discount and $1.17 in eBook Reward points)
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The Other Queen: A Novel eBook edition
by Gregory, Philippa
new and unique view of one of history's most intriguing, romantic, and maddening heroines: Mary Queen of Scots. For years, readers have clamored for Gregory to tell Mary's story, and The Other Queen is the result of her determination to present a novel worthy of this extraordinary heroine.
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List Price : $17.99
Your price $13.84 (Using your 10% discount and $ .73 in eBook Reward points)
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Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise (Paperback) eBook edition
by: Obama, Barack (Foreword)
Barack Obama has proven to be a new kind of leader–one who can bring people together, be honest about the challenges we face, and move this nation forward. Here he outlines his vision for America. with bold and specific ideas about how to fix our ailing economy and strengthen the middle class, make health care affordable for all, achieve energy independence, and keep America safe in a dangerous world.
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List Price : $13.95
Your price $10.74 (Using your 10% discount and $ .57 in eBook Reward points)

Our guarantee: If you have bought one of these titles from eBooks About in the last 15 days -- we will gladly offer you a rebate on the book; just contact us

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